Agendas & Minutes of Meetings
This course will add value to prospective learners who are working in an administrative environment inclusive of SMME`s (Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises). It will add value to the learner`s job or chances of finding employment. Learners will be well positioned to extend their learning and practice into other areas in the business environment or to strive towards professional standards and practice at higher levels.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- The agenda of meetings
- The purpose and objective of minutes of meetings
- How to take minutes of meetings
Online course duration: 7-Hours
CPD Points: 7
Assessing Performance within your Team
Conducting regular performance reviews are an important and constructive way to evaluate the contributions an employee is making to the company. Sitting down to conduct an employee performance evaluation with a staff member is the part of the appraisal process most leaders dread even though the annual performance reviews are a key component of employee development. This course will support the participant to overcome the dread of the performance appraisal by giving practical guidelines on how to manage the process of performance assessment more effectively.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- That there is more than one method to formulate objectives
- How to monitor objectives agreed to
- The reason why appraisal interviews are held
- How to conduct a performance appraisal / review
- How to manage difficult appraisal situations
Online course duration: 7-Hours
CPD Points: 7
Be a Client-Oriented Business
Regardless of the job you hold in a company, client satisfaction has to be one of your preoccupations. As a customer, you no doubt remember having received such poor service from someone that you took your business elsewhere. As a result, you understand the importance of looking after dissatisfied clients so that you don’t lose them. One of a manager’s jobs is to ensure that staff is provided with conditions that allow them to satisfy clients while fulfilling the company’s quality standards. Practical tools are provided as you progress through your course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Provide a service that meets the customer’s expectations
- Manage client dissatisfaction
- Manage that which encourages staff to be client-oriented
Online course duration: 4-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Cellular Layout & One-piece Flow
Cellular layout is one of 2 Lean tools addressed in this course. It seeks to organise the organisation around the customer rather than around the function. Advantages through real-life examples are provided to create better understanding. In addition, the advantages of reducing batch size are addressed as the second tool. This tool allows organisations to maintain throughput, but at the same time reduce inventory in the system as well as the amount of waiting time. Both the advantages and disadvantages of this tool are explored as you progress through the training.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Cellular layout
- One-piece flow
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Coaching a Team Member
The fast-paced and ever-changing world in which we find ourselves on a daily basis presents business leaders with many challenges. Many organisations have identified coaching as a very important leadership and management competency. Coaching promotes creativity, performance as well as resilience within our workplaces. This gives an organisation the competitive edge they need in the ever-changing environment. This course provides you with foundational coaching tools to enable you to enhance your team members’ performance.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Explain the concept of coaching in a business environment
- Demonstrate skills and techniques required of a coach
- Develop an action plan to coach two team members
- Gather evidence and monitor progress
Online course duration: 14-Hours
CPD Points: 14
Every day when we communicate, we need to be aware of our audience and the purpose of our communication. This is the only way we can really communicate effectively. We also need to know how to listen effectively and adapt our communication style and register to different circumstances, as these are important skills in business and in life.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Respond critically yet sensitively as a listener/audience
- Analyse own responses to spoken/signed texts and adjust as required
- Use strategies to be an effective speaker/signer in sustained oral/signed interactions
- Evaluate spoken/signed discourse
Online course duration: 16-Hours
CPD Points: 16
Competence, Agility & Networking
Constant and rapid change is the new reality with which organisations must cope. Skills are undeniably associated with a company’s performance. In a constantly changing organisation, developing skills is essential. Today’s success breeds tomorrow’s problems and all kinds of environmental changes challenge organisations to adapt. Ensuring agility is one of the challenges any organisation faces together with ensuring your network stays activated. These challenges are addressed with practical tools for implementation as you progress through the course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- What competence is
- What agility is
- How to evaluate your network better
Online course duration: 4-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Customer Care
You are daily surrounded by customers. How should I utilise my communication skills to enhance customer service? How can I adhere to ethical standards in all dealings with my clients? What is deemed to be adequate response to a client’s query or complaint? How can I assist my clients with constructive advice and information? These questions are addressed as the learner progresses through this training.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Utilise communication skills to enhance customer service
- Adhere to ethical standards in all dealings with clients
- Provide adequate responses to a client’s query or complaint
- Assist clients with constructive advice and information
Online course duration: 16-Hours
CPD Points: 16
Developing Talent
Talent development groups all the initiatives that allow employees to acquire the necessary skills to accomplish their work, either current or prospective. It is therefore a key tool for implementing a company’s strategy. The interests of employees and those of the company are linked. Neither can succeed at the expense of the other. This course gives you practical tips on how to develop your talent more effectively.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Develop talent
- Create a Talent Management Virtuous Spiral
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Drawing up an Identity Card for your Unit
You have just assumed your functions as a manager and you feel overwhelmed by the mass of information you need to integrate in a very short time with respect to your new role. How can you identify and obtain the most important files? On completion of this course you will have a clear overview of your unit and you will be able to list and describe the key information that you need to assimilate. This course provides practical tools to support you in your endeavours.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Get an overview of their environment
- Build an identity card of their unit
- Obtain key information they need to know about their unit
Online course duration: 2-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Feedback Essentials
Feedback can help staff members to progress and develop their skills provided it is given in the right way. During this course tools are provided to enable the learner to apply it practically in the workplace. How can I give constructive feedback? How should I congratulate a colleague? How can I successfully manage a personal development interview? How should I respond to poor performance? These questions and more will be answered during this course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Give constructive feedback
- Congratulate a colleague
- Successfully manage a personal development interview
- Respond to poor performance
Online course duration: 5-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Fundamentals of Recruiting a New Entrant
Recruiting a junior staff member is a delicate task. Juniors lack professional experience and may be difficult to assess. Many managers fail to form a clear impression of a young graduate’s application. This course will give you all the necessary techniques to run a recruitment interview with a junior applicant.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- The fundamentals of recruiting a new entrant
- What typical situations to look out for when evaluating the behaviour of a recruit
- How to summarise the interview
Online course duration: 2-Hours
CPD Points: 3
Getting Ready for Work
Getting into the job market with a competitive advantage is the ultimate goal for individuals. Understanding how you can be effective at work and doing your job with integrity are important factors to being successfully employed. During this course you learn how to enhance your listing skills, make ethical decisions, work together with others, and most importantly how to deal with customers.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Important it is to listen to clients
- To make ethical Decisions
- To deal with Customers
Online course duration: 3.5-Hours
CPD Points: 7
Getting the Best from a Mixed-Generation Team
Developing successful working relationships between baby boomers, generation X and generation Y is a critical issue facing today’s companies. How can I “decode” each generation? How can I eliminate communication problems stemming from generational differences? Job content, working methods, relationships among co-workers and goal-setting are all motivating factors on which to build to ensure success. Practical tools are provided whilst questions are answered as you progress through the course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Understand generations at work
- Communicate across generations
- Design Work to motivate performance
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Getting to "Yes"
Being able to convince colleagues, superiors or clients is something all leaders strive for. Polishing your arguments and giving them the punch they need to succeed is something you can learn. Understanding the keys to delivering persuasive arguments and how to hone your question skills via concrete examples are therefore important. Practical tools and techniques are provided during this course to create that understanding.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- How to analyse their arguments to make it more effective
- What the right way to ask a “yes” question is
- How to formulate a “yes” question in any situation
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Implement Diversity into Daily Working Life
You understand that diversity is beneficial for you and your company, and you know that being diversity-oriented means recognizing the people you work with as individuals. But if you wonder what this means from a daily point of view and you ask yourself how you can be more diversity-oriented at work, then this course is for you! It will help you develop a personal action plan that favours diversity daily, with specific actions to implement within days.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Be more open towards others
- Encourage participation with all types of people
- Act as a role model for inclusive behaviour
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 2
Increase Remote & Diverse Communication
Diversity makes good business sense for companies, teams and managers. Integrating different people into the workplace makes a real difference. Discover how diversity can be profitable for your business. Doing business increasingly involves dealing with remote communication. Whilst interpersonal conflicts at work are a major cause of lost time and often lead managers to take poor decisions. However, even the worst disagreements can be managed.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Perform better with diversity
- Communicate remotely across cultures
- Deal with conflict and disagreements
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 3
Interviewing a New Entrant
Recruiting any member is a delicate task. It is further emphasised that the recruitment process does not end with the interview. This course provides you with techniques and guidelines to both interview and conclude the recruitment process.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Apply various techniques for interviewing new entrants
- Conclude the recruitment process
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Keys to Project Management
Working in project mode has become a key aspect of company life. Projects increasingly involve people working in different countries. As it is important for everyone to adopt the same approach; this is where project management comes into its own. Learners will be able to analyse and refine a project organisational structure, its profiles, roles and responsibilities. They will be able to determine the required change and configuration control procedures and integrate it into the project management plan for a simple to moderately complex project. They will also be able to obtain approval for the integrated project management plan.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Refine the project organisational structure, profiles, roles and responsibilities
- Project team profiles and structure are refined and documented in line with organisational standards and procedures
- Determine the integrated change control procedures
- Gather, check and interrogate component elements and/or plans for cohesion and balance to ensure alignment to each other
- Produce the integrate project management plan document
- Obtain approval for the integrated project management plan
Online course duration: 7-Hours
CPD Points: 8
Lean Philosophy & Continuous Improvement
This course introduces the main principle of lean philosophy: detecting and eliminating waste. What types of waste can exist in a process? What is the ideal process? What is the gap between the current process and the ideal process? What waste exists in my process? The key to Lean is understanding that improvement is continuous. Many sources of waste are hidden deep in the system: therefor we need to use techniques to make problems visible. This course will help managers to manage by stress to identify where problems lie. Managers will also be enabled to empower their employees to help make problems visible themselves.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- How to identify the key characteristics of an ideal process
- The gap between the ideal process and the current one
- How to identify sources of waste from a lean perspective
- What Continuous Improvement is and how to sustain it?
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Managing Conflicts
For some leaders the managing of tense relationships and crises in their workplaces and teams are one of the most daunting aspects of their daily work routine. Various tools are provided to empower leaders to apply them practically within in their own working environment.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Identify and resolve tension in the workplace
- Understand the process of conflict
- Deal with interpersonal crises in the workplace
- Understand the mutual gains approach
- Maintain good working relationships throughout the conflict
Online course duration: 7-Hours
CPD Points: 6
Managing Cost Centres
What performance is expected of me and of my business? The answer to this question to operational executives hinges mainly on the type of responsibility centre they manage. Many companies use the traditional cost centre method to calculate their cost price. This course will use a very simple case study to compare cost calculation using two practical methods as you progress through the course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Transfer prices and Responsibility Centers
- Cost price: From full costs to the ABC method
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Managing for Success
Management is too important to leave to managers. Many leaders do not know how to solve their management problems and most knowledge workers do not realize they are also responsible for some of the managing. Management 3.0 believes that management is everyone’s job and helps you identify pitfalls in management practices. Transverse management is no easy task as you need to influence your colleagues rather than imposing your point of view. How can you communicate convincingly? How can you foster motivation within your team on a day-to-day basis? These questions are answered as you progress through the course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Identify potential pitfalls in management practices
- Do things right with Management 3.0
- Differentiate between statutory power and leadership
- Get people fully on board through effective communication
- Follow through on own projects
Online course duration: 4-Hours
CPD Points: 5
Managing Workplace Relationships
The relationship we have with our manager is just one of the many relationships we have in the workplace. The course will enable prospective learners to acquire knowledge and skill effectively to manage workplace relationships. It should lead to the positive management of relationships to ensure productivity and the creation of a culture and climate in the work environment where learners are able to develop to their full potential. Further to the above this course will contribute to change in leadership focus and empowering managers to look at people issues.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Explain the need for clear structure in workplace relationships
- Explain the interrelationship between personal and professional relationships
- Identify techniques for self-management
- Explain how stereotyping affects relationships
- Acquire techniques for communicating own feelings, thoughts and opinions for different situations
Online course duration: 13-Hours
CPD Points: 22
Measuring Processes for Improvement
The person completing this course will be able to answer the following three questions: 1. How do I make sure there is no waste in the process? 2. Do the steps in the process tangibly add value to the product or service? 3. What metrics can I use to optimise the process? The concept of Lean flow is explored with metrics’. These metrics allow organisations to optimise cash flow and performance. This course pinpoints factors that impede ideal flow and then proposes concrete solutions for improvement.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Recognise the characteristics of a process and construct a process view
- Understand and apply 2 metrics to analyse a process
- Improve processes via these metrics
Online course duration: 2-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Meetings that Deliver
An effective meeting means achieving the desired outcomes for that specific meeting. For this to happen planning is essential. Planning is about placing the people involved in a situation where they can work together towards the goals defined by the group. Practical tools are provided to create effective outcomes in various kinds of meetings.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Ask essential questions before setting up a meeting
- Close a meeting efficiently
- Initiate a group self-assessment as part of a process of ongoing improvement
- Uncover best practices for a meeting that matters
Online course duration: 5-Hours
CPD Points: 8
Presentation Skills
You are are required to write/present/sign texts with complex subject matter with various levels of formality in language and construction. Using language appropriate to the socio-cultural, learning or workplace/technical environment as required is addressed as part of the course. Presentation techniques as an alternative to writing/signing own texts are explored.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Write/sign for a specified audience and purpose
- Use language structures and features to produce coherent and cohesive texts for a wide range of contexts
- Draft own writing/signing and edit to improve clarity and correctness
Online course duration: 6-Hours
CPD Points: 5
Quality at the Source
In lean operations, having responsibility for quality as early as possible in the process is key. How can managers implement this practice? Focus is placed on stop and fix it mentality, promoting standardised work, and explains management tools for root-cause analysis to fix the cause and not the consequence. The course also explains how to build in error-proofing poka yokes.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Have a better understanding of implementing quality at source
- Recognise the root cause of a problem more effectively
- Implement error-proofing methods to prevent mistakes
Online course duration: 2-Hours
CPD Points: 3
Remote Management
To manage a geographically dispersed team, managers must start off on a sound and solid basis. Foster connections between team members to understand each other’s job. One-on-one support for team members who work in remote locations ensures they stay motivated and attain their objectives. Managers must be able to change their perception of their colleagues and alter their management styles. As you progress through the course practical tools and guidelines are provided.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Reach out to remote team members
- Set up a geographically dispersed team
- Provide one-on-one support and motivation for remote staff
- Unite and motivate a geographically dispersed team
- Implement remote working within their teams
Online course duration: 5-Hours
CPD Points: 7
Remote Working
Remote working is an increasingly common phenomenon in companies today. In this new professional context, team members are confronted with the challenges they discover. They therefore tend to focus on the constraints and risks generated by this way of working. However, they should not neglect the opportunities created as they can be significant. It is important to be aware of these risks and opportunities to be able to face the challenges of remote working with the right attitude.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Develop the right mind-set to make remote working a success
- Identify the opportunities and risks related to this way of working
- Identify the main challenges
- Adapt to remote working
Online course duration: 4-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Resolving Tension when Things Go Wrong
You thought you had anticipated everything, but your team member has not done what you expected and has failed to meet the objectives… When an assignment goes wrong, what should you do? Is it possible to criticise someone who is the root cause of a problem without causing conflict? Can we change that person’s behaviour without creating tension? This course will teach you very simple and practical modus operandi to set an assignment back on track by answering the questions as you work through the course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Preserve a trusting relationship whilst he/she gets an assignment back on track
- Tell someone that they did something wrong
- Criticise someone who is the root cause of a problem without causing conflict
- Change a person’s behaviour without creating tension
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Telephone Etiquette
The telephone is one of the most useful inventions ever made and an important communication tool. Without a telephone it is difficult to conduct business. It is probably responsible for most customer contacts. An effective telephone personality will help we win friends & create good will. Since the person can’t see you over the phone, you are judged only by the sound of your voice and your action. It is important to know how to operate it properly & effectively. This course will support you in processing incoming and outgoing calls.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Employ effective telephone etiquette
- Answer the telephone
- Process incoming calls
- Process outgoing calls
Online course duration: 5-Hours
CPD Points: 4
The Value Chain & Value Creation
Value creation is at the heart of all corporate projects. How can value creation be measured? What exactly is RoCE and EVA? How can you use these concepts to steer investment projects and adapt your management approach? Companies that achieve high performance levels have usually succeeded in building a lasting competitive advantage. How can you build a durable competitive advantage? These questions and more are addressed as you progress through the course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- The sources of value creation: Return On Capital Employed (RoCE) and Economic Value Add (EVA)
- The value chain and competitive advantage
- Value creation and strategy
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Understanding Costs
What is a cost? Does a cost correspond to an expenditure or a charge? Can you distinguish a fixed cost from a variable cost? A direct cost from an indirect cost? How can one calculate cost prices? How can I determine how each product will contribute to covering fixed costs? These questions and more are answered with practical tools as you progress through the course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- What is a cost?
- Cost price: from partial costs to full costs
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Understanding Diversity
An organisation’s success and competitiveness depend upon its ability to embrace diversity and realize the benefits. This course helps you to understand the concept “diversity in the workplace” and demonstrate a basic understanding of the importance of diversity management.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Understand cultural and other differences in the workplace
- List and understand the concept relating to stereotypes in the workplace
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of the role of change in the workplace
Online course duration: 10-Hours
CPD Points: 9
Understanding the Supply Chain
Without realizing it, you might be part of your Company’s supply chain. This is a truly cross-divisional function, involving many activities. Managing the supply chain involves defining the Company’s industrial structure depending on its strategic choices. How can you best guide flows of finished and intermediate products? How can the supply chain be used as a strategic tool to improve client service? These are complex decisions, which commit the company for the long term! These questions and more are answered as you progress through this course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- What the supply chain is
- What the best ways to guide flows in the supply chain are
- What supply chain and client satisfaction is
- How to develop supplier relations
- What the main criteria for big structural decisions are
Online course duration: 6-Hours
CPD Points: 5
Workplace Induction
Organisations are important to create economic growth for the country, as well as employing people. Without organisations, there would be nowhere for people to work. Customers would also struggle to access the products and services they need. As you progress through this course you will find out more about what makes organisations tick.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Where they fit into an organisation
- What their role in an organisation is
- What an organisation expects of them
- Employment-related legislation
- An organisational code of conduct
- What happens should they break the rules
Online course duration: 8-Hours
CPD Points: 7