Be a Great Team Player
The relationship we have with our manager is one of the keys to professional success. You must think about your relationship to figures of authority, distance yourself from your prejudices and take into consideration the important dimensions of your manager’s role. All managers want their teams to be unified and working towards improved performance. But to achieve this, you need to have the necessary ingredients. This unit standard is aimed at individuals who would like to identify and develop within themselves strategies to work effectively in a group.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Describe effective groups and identify group stages
- Demonstrate an understanding of the criteria for working as a member of a group
- Work autonomously and collaborate with other team members
- Participate in building relations between group members and stakeholders
- Make a positive contribution to team coherence, image and spirit
- Respect personal, ethical, religious and cultural differences to enhance interaction between team members
- Evaluate team performance
Online course duration: 16-Hours
CPD Points: 16
Coping with Stress & Change
We’ve all felt the unpleasant effects of stress: cold sweats, shivering, stomach pain, increased appetite or complete loss of appetite, a tendency to be aggressive, the feeling of being out of touch with reality, or perhaps all those symptoms at once. You’ll discover how managers handle the stress of responsibility, risk-taking, criticism and change. We have seen that when faced with change, we develop an almost mechanical psychological process of resistance. This course offers you practical tools to allow you to cope more effectively with stress and change affecting you both in the workplace and personally.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- How to analyse and assess their stress
- What stress is
- How to face up to the typical stresses of being a manager
- How to cope more effectively with personal change
- How to improve their well-being
Online course duration: 6-Hours
CPD Points: 8
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in the Workplace
Daniel Goleman wrote about the real reasons for professional success: he says that what makes the difference is neither IQ, nor paper qualifications, nor technical expertise but emotional aptitude. Controlling your own emotions and dealing with those of other people: these are the keys to professional success! This course provides practical tools to show you how to identify and manage your emotions to significantly improve the way you relate to people.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- How to identify the aptitudes to be developed in order to become more “emotionally intelligent” (EQ)
- Why EQ should be developed within a company
- What emotions are for
- How to control emotions by interpreting what they are telling us
- Several ways to control emotions
- Several ways to develop self-awareness and self-control
- How to deal with an unhappy client making use of empathy
Online course duration: 9-Hours
CPD Points: 8
Ethics & Social Responsibility Awareness
Ethics is a system of moral principles. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. Social responsibility forms part of this ethical framework. It suggests that an entity, be it an organisation or individual, has an obligation to act and to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems. During this course, guidelines are provided for practical application.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- The ethical challenges corporate have
- How ethically sound decisions can be made
- Unconscious biasedness
- How to manage in a more socially responsible way
- How relationships with stakeholders can be improved
Online course duration: 7-Hours
CPD Points: 7
Knowing where the Workplace is Going
With the increasing complexity of companies and the new opportunities offered by digital tools, leadership now tends to exist at all levels of the company. Like any change, this has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the keys to contribute, at all levels, to the success of this cultural transformation is important.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- The advantages and disadvantages of Shared Leadership
- The qualities that employees need to enable contribution to Shared Leadership
- How to contribute to Shared Leadership at every career level
- How the brain decodes set objectives
- How to identify the impediments that prevents objectives being met
- Which questions to ask when formulating a good objective
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Management Training
Every day, you represent your company through managerial behaviour in accordance with its values and with the needs of your team. This course will enable prospective learners to gain insight into the role of leadership within a work context and thus providing them with the skills and knowledge to add value to their job.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Achieve success through leadership
- Building a successful team
- Developing my team
- Delegating with efficiency
- Motivating my team
- Managing a conflict within my team
- Communicating effectively with my team
- Organising my time and keeping availability for my team
- Supporting my team through change
Online course duration: 9-Hours
CPD Points: 9
Managing your Time & Priorities
Managing your time is a way of managing your life. It is to master the main tools of planning. You will have to identify your values, priorities and objectives in life both from a professional as well as a personal point of view. This course will supply a general understanding of the principles, methods and techniques for scheduling tasks and activities. An all-round understanding of the principles, methods and techniques of time planning and management.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Identify, explain and describe the purpose and process of scheduling activities in own business
- Understand schedule development processes in accordance with established business practices
- Understand the advantages and implications of task completion within the shortest possible time and at a specified due date
- Organise and prepare business activities and estimate their duration
- Prioritise business activities
- Develop strategies to deal with interruptions
- Develop an effective business schedule
Online course duration: 5-Hours
CPD Points: 5
Negotiating Win-Win Outcomes
How do you normally negotiate? Do you seek consensus, sometimes giving too much away and regretting it later? Or do you have a reputation for being hard, of never giving in, even when it risks destroying the discussions? Or are you in between these 2 extremes? During this course an understanding of negotiating and the importance of maintaining relationships during negotiations will be created.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Identify his/her negotiating style
- Identify the profile closest to him/her
- Draw conclusions related to future negotiations
- Maintain more effective relations during negotiations
Online course duration: 4-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Personal Day-to-Day Effectiveness
We are bombarded with information daily. We need to improve personal efficiency by dealing more effectively with information. Improving your memory can help you save time, think more effectively and talk in public without reading from notes. In addition to this, e-mail plays a central role in any company, but excessive use of emails instead of other means of communication can cause serious problems, both individually and at team level. Using email properly involves understanding its fundamental characteristics. This course provides practical tools in support of the learning material.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- What type of memory they have
- How they can make the most of their memory
- What the characteristics of email communications are
- What the best practices for effective email communication are
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Planning & Managing your Time
Has your schedule ever been turned upside down by a task that must be done “right away”? Have you ever had to deal with a boss, a colleague or a customer who wants you to drop what you’re doing for something “really urgent”? Have you ever thought how great it would be to be able to cope with this kind of situation and manage your time more efficiently? There are plenty of time management tools available to help you gain time – provided you know how to use them. This course will support you with tools and techniques to address the questions stated.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Tell when they are falling into the trap of trying to get everything done at once
- Tell the difference between what’s urgent and important
- Make schedules over different time scales
- Make better use of their time
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Self-Awareness & Decision-Making Skills
Self-awareness means that we are aware of who we are. It is having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. Self-awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your responses to them in the moment. On the other hand, self-confidence is trusting your abilities, qualities, and judgement. Working together for the good this course will create an awareness of the topic.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Know him/herself better
- Develop his/her self-confidence and emotional intelligence more effectively
- Enhance his/her listening skills
- Make better decisions
- Learn and grow on a personal level
Online course duration: 8-Hours
CPD Points: 7
Self-Confidence & Communication
Self-confidence is a key asset in tense psychological situations, such as conflict between colleagues or difficult relations with a client. Communication can be structured in an assertive way to achieve the desired outcome within a specific situation.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- What the key characteristics of self-confident people are
- What their potential for being self-confident is
- How to engage in an interaction calmly and confidently
- How to formulate a request or refusal assertively
- How to express their position effectively, without being aggressive
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Selling Your Ideas
Selling your ideas to a co-worker, convincing a client, persuading the higher-ups: a manager is always selling something. Success in your company depends on how convincing you are. This course is the first in an intensive program dealing with persuasiveness techniques. Look no further if you want to find the keys to selling your ideas.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Find the arguments they need
- Find ideas
Online course duration: 2-Hours
CPD Points: 2
Successful Public Speaking
Preparation is an essential phase when making a public talk. How will I keep my audience’s attention? How can I stop it from flagging? In addition to this, presentation supports are an essential tool to enliven meetings and enhance impact. Some visual supports, however, are too confusing and tiring to read to be effective. These questions and more will be answered as the learner progresses through the course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Prepare for a public talk
- Capture and keep the audience’s attention
- Support master presentation more effectively
Online course duration: 4-Hours
CPD Points: 5
Understand Self & Team to Enhance Performance
This course helps you as learner to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of both yourself and your team in support of you managing your team performance more effectively.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Understand him/herself as worker in a specific position
- Identify own role in an organisation
- Understand the dynamics within a specific group
- Use a variety of strategies to deal with potential conflict in a team or group
- Develop a plan of action to enhance team performance
Online course duration: 12-Hours
CPD Points: 6