Analyse your Product; Embrace Power of Digital
From a marketing point of view, the product has various dimensions. These dimensions are indispensable to the definition of a strong and coherent product policy. From a digital perspective, the digital revolution has a significant impact on products – both technological and non-technological products. In addition to improvements to the products themselves, customers can be offered a wide-ranging digital experience around the products. Practical tools are provided as you progress through this course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Analyse your products
- Digitally enhance your product
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Become an Expert in your Key Accounts
Developing your network of key account contacts is not limited to maintaining good personal relationships with some people. Your task is to help the business by implementing an organised approach, which will help you develop relationships between your company and each account. You should add maximum value for your customers. As you progress through this course these aspects will be addressed.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Develop contacts in key accounts
- Be an expert in your key account
Online course duration: 2-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Branding & Advertising
This course will familiarize you with the concept of brand and its main components: name, logo, colour code and slogan. In addition to this, advertising is not just a creative undertaking. Its effectiveness is measured in terms of method, rigor and occasionally sophisticated techniques such as media planning. The quality of the relationship between the advertising agency and the advertiser is crucial. Great campaigns are born of the combination of the agency’s creativity and the advertiser’s professionalism.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- How to avoid confusions about brands
- What the key components of a brand’s identity are
- The problems to be solved at each phase of the campaign
- The campaign’s targets
- Methods used to assess the impact of a campaign
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Build & Position your Brand
What makes a brand’s identity? How is it built? How should it be managed? How is a brand’s intangible asset value defined in order for you to make strategic decisions concerning the brand? These questions and more are answered as you progress through the course. This will enable you to determine your brand’s ideal positioning and identify the concrete actions to be implemented to lean towards this positioning.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Build a brand identity
- Measure the intangible asset value of a brand
- Position a brand more effectively
Online course duration: 4-Hours
CPD Points: 5
Diagnose & Adapt to People's Motivations
What’s the secret of people who are good at selling ideas? Is it because they are never short of arguments and always know how to respond to objections? How can you find out what motivates someone? Have you ever failed to convince someone even though you thought your arguments were infallible? Have you ever had the feeling your arguments were falling on deaf ears? It’s important to avoid just focusing on your prospect’s problems: you should also help him or her see how your solution will solve them! These questions and more are answered as you progress.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- How to diagnose other people’s motivations
- How to adapt effectively to other people’s motivations
- How to ask questions relating to results the other side hopes for
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Enhancing your Competitive Position
Analysing and understanding the theory of competitive advantage (Porter’s Model). What the limits are and how to redefine strategy through the theory of resources. What are the competitive advantages and handicaps and where they stem from? In addition to this, value creation should enhance transparency between financial markets and internal business management, providing an integrated and interdependent view of financial and operational issues.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Analyse Porter’s Model
- Analyse the competitive position of the company
- Create value for shareholders
- Understand the phenomenon of value creation for diversified groups
Online course duration: 6-Hours
CPD Points: 8
Essentials of Managing Key Accounts
As a Key Account Manager both your customers and your company need more from you than they would from a Salesperson. Further to this, your key accounts will not necessarily be your best or oldest customers. Applying a rigorous selection process will help you avoid major disappointments! As you progress through the course you will get to learn more about the concepts at hand.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Assume the role of Key Account Manager
- Choose key accounts
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Fundamentals of Marketing
Every day, around 100 new products appear in each European country! Where do all these innovations come from? How do marketers come up with all these new ideas? How can one tell if an innovation will work or not? On the other hand – Marketing methods and techniques originated in the expansion of mass markets and have now spread to all economic sectors. Marketing seeks to differentiate brands, products and services, new innovations in an increasingly competitive environment. This course provides practical tools to create understanding.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- What the main sources of new ideas are
- What the criteria is for selecting the best idea
- What a marketing concept is
- What a concept test is
- The development of marketing
- The key concepts of a marketing policy
Online course duration: 2-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Getting the Best from your Key Accounts
Your company wants to manage its key accounts like a portfolio, with maximum returns and minimum risks. The level of relationship with its key accounts depends on what each key account is looking for and the opportunities for growth. As a key account manager, you need to know how committed you need to be and which resources to dedicate to each account. As you progress through this course these concepts are addressed with practical tools and guidelines.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Categorize key accounts
- Choose the right relationship level with key accounts
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Launch a New Product or Service
Do you know what happens before a product is found on supermarket shelves? Do you know how marketers decide on the formula, name, packaging, advertising? Do you know what partners they rely on? What does the operational launch of a new product entail? These questions and more are addressed as you progress through the training.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Define the marketing mix
- Launch in practice
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 3
Making a Complex Sale
In complex sales, it’s vital to understand your client’s professional background. The business and strategy of the company he or she works for, how he or she fits into the organisational hierarchy, his or her potential as a decision-maker, other key but invisible players, the decision process… all these aspects must be known in detail to avoid making your way blindly forward with sometimes painfully disappointing end results. Practical tools and techniques are provided as part of this course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- How to apply various techniques to deal with objections
- How to adapt their response to different objections
- What the most efficient ways of introducing an argument are
- What situation questions are
- How to use situation questions most effectively
Online course duration: 4-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Marketing & Client Focus
Marketing methods and techniques originated in the expansion of mass markets and have now spread to all economic sectors. Marketing seeks to differentiate brands, products and services in an increasingly competitive environment. Understanding consumer behaviour is key to supporting a strategic mix decision. In addition to this it is important to understand that if you want your staff to be more client-focused, you should be deeply client-oriented yourself.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- The marketing approach
- The key concepts of a marketing policy
- What and who influences the buyer’s choice
- How client services can be an integral part of your business plan
- How to communicate about the client within your team
Online course duration: 4-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Marketing Mix & Positioning
Brand positioning means knowing how to find the common theme that makes it possible to distinguish yourself in a clear, original and motivating way. It also means giving your brand a unique and attractive personality. Whereas the marketing mix is the ideal cocktail of the decisions and efforts to be made in each different situation. Practical tools and techniques are provided as part of this course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- How to differentiate between perceived and desired positioning
- The principles of positioning
- The criteria to analyse good positioning
- How to ensure the coherency of the marketing mix to best serve the brand’s positioning
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Researching & Segmenting your Market
A market is comprised of consumers with different expectations. Breaking a market into segments means splitting it up into consumer sub-groups that are as homogeneous as possible to enable the company to tailor its marketing of each policy to each of these sub-groups or to decide to leave out certain sub-groups. Segmentation is not just about market and competition survey methods. It also covers the strategic vision of the market.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- The difference between mass marketing, segmented marketing and one-to-one marketing
- The different phases of the segmentation approach
- What the most relevant criteria for segmentation are
- Sources of information and main collection methods
- The mistakes to be avoided when conducting a marketing survey
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 4
Self-Esteem & Networking
Self-esteem is not innate. It is something which you can develop. Other people play an important role in building your self-esteem, through the content of their discussions with you. This means that you need to be able to present your own case effectively, be prepared to take on board the views of others and defend yourself against unwarranted attacks. Your reputation in the workplace is founded on your day-to-day behaviour, your discussions with your co-workers and even with people outside the company. To build your reputation in the workplace, you need to be able to call upon the right people… at the right time. As you progress through the course you are given practical tools to address the issues at hand.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- How to improve their self-esteem
- How to develop their self-esteem in relation to others
- What key behaviours are required to build their reputation
- How to build their reputation through networking
Online course duration: 4-Hours
CPD Points: 5
The Marketing Plan & Program
The marketing plan details the marketing strategy selected for a product. In addition to this a marketing audit is an exhaustive and objective analysis-diagnosis of the competitive position and potential of a product, a range, a company. With regards to the brand and its products, this diagnosis is performed on a very regular basis (once to twice a year) in the form of a brand review. This audit forms the basis for adapting the marketing policy and formulating new strategic options. Practical tools are provided during this course.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Various analysis tools
- What the content of a marketing plan should entail
- The different types of marketing plans
- How to implement and update the plan
- Which errors to avoid when drafting the marketing plan
Online course duration: 3-Hours
CPD Points: 5
Your Digital Consumers & Strategy
The rise of digital marketing has radically transformed the way in which individuals and companies communicate. With new methods of receiving and processing information, unprecedented purchasing behaviour and new ways of sharing and interacting, today’s consumers are a brand-new breed. Companies can increase the impact of their communication, build stronger links with their customers and ride the wave of viral marketing campaigns. Practical tools are provided to address the issues at hand.
On completion of this course you will be able to understand:
- Understand your digital consumers
- Develop your digital communication strategy
Online course duration: 2-Hours
CPD Points: 4